Thursday, 1 April 2010
All in a good cause for McMillian Fundraising

Sunday, 28 March 2010
Hawick Border Reivers report
We arrived at the same time as the market stalls were being erected. The organiser Evelyn was there to greet us, that's always nice to see that effort being made. Evelyn showed us our usual place and we got on with setting up our marquees. Everyone else started arriving stall holders and re-enactors alike.
The day started of really nice, the weather was just right for being out and about town. The parade started at 11am at the top of the high street and finished with us bringing in the crowds.
I've included a video from 2005 when we had Scocha whom I enjoyed very much, this was when I first attended this event
Hawick has introduced a new currency called the Hawick £1 you can purchase these and spend them within Hawick at certain stores that are taking part, the idea is a novel way of keeping the money in Hawick. We were asked to take part in it too and at the end of the day we would cash them back in again for real money at no lose to us and it was fun to be involved with. I even had one lady ask if she could buy some from me, "well of course" was the answer. She bought 4 @ £1 each and gave me £4 sterling in return, I think she was a tourist and wanted to take the 'money' back home as gifts.

Sales wise, it was my worst day ever at that event, can't say why other than perhaps we are not yet out of the recession................(she hopes that's all it is)
As mentioned the day started off really well but come 3pm the wind started to kick up and a few of the less sturdy marquees had to have their sides taken down before they took off like a kite. We were fine but as a precaution I did lower my sides to half way. We use very heavy weights that fit around the legs of our marquee and must have had 14 of these weights at 13kg each, so that's quite a lot.
4pm wrapped up the day and as per usual, we are the first to arrive and the last to leave, Oh the life of a crafter...................
Friday, 26 March 2010
Can't sleep before 1st event of the season
It's crazy! I've been doing the craft circut for many years now and still when it's the first of the season I can't sleep. I keep thinking about what I have or haven't packed, what if this and what if that. No matter how many check lists I have the chances are I'll forget them let alone anything else. Earlier I thought I had everything in the van when I walked into the kitchen only to see my bag contining my mini till, card terminal & cash float sitting laughing at me!!! It's not uncommon for me to leave something behind at an event either, usually my banner.
I'm off to Hawick tomorrow leaving around 6am for a 9am kick off. I've been doing this event for a good few years now Hawick Border Reivers and enjoy it very much, it's cold and a long day on your feet in the open.
Below is a couple of photos during the event. As far as jewellery sales go, not great but fun to do. Having said that my chainmaille does do well in relation to most places. www.designedbyfrances.co.uk
My stand was to the right of this photo, I was in costume but not photographed........Snifff, perhaps this year I'll take my own photos. The re-enactors were a lovely and talkative bunch.
After the days events there is also a torchlight procession but we've never managed to see it, by the time we pack up and load the van, we are so tired that we only want to get home and relax, some year I will stay behind and watch.
Well! it's 1:05 now and I must get some sleep before getting back up in oh!!! about 4 hours time.